Some History First
The human figure has been the subject of drawings since prehistoric times, and nude figure is a tradition in Western art and has been used to express the ideal of male and female beauty and other human qualities. It was a central preoccupation of Ancient Greek art, and after a semi-dormant period in the Middle Ages returned to a central position in Western art with the Renaissance. Athletes, dancers, and warriors are depicted to express human energy and life, and nudes in various poses may express basic or complex emotions.
Why I do it
The nude figure is a challenge for me and I like challenges. Ever since my first live model class, I’ve been mesmerized by it. The curvature of the body, the volume, the complexity of the shapes, and the way the light hits the model is something that really captures me. I believe that if I can master the human figure I will be able to draw or paint any subject.
Heavenly Body
Heavenly Body is the title of this art piece, we are not just flesh and bone, we are also a spiritual being. Genesis 1:26 “Lets us make mankind in our image, in our likeness… Genesis 1:27 So God created mankind in His own image, in the image of God He created them…
When I paint or draw the human figure those two verses come to mind, and it makes me think and meditate. Of all God’s wonderful creation, the only thing created in His likeness is mankind, I find this pretty amazing and very special.
Heavenly Body is my expression of that special wonderful feeling, Ephesians 2:10 For we are God’s handiwork… The human figure is a beautiful amazing creation and it’s a great subject to paint. How simple and fragile we humans are and at the same time how complex the human body is. A heavenly body created by a heavenly being.